Article II 7.01 Entitlement to Allowances
a) A married beneficiary of a retirement or disability pension shall be entitled to a family allowance.
b) An unmarried beneficiary of a retirement or disability pension shall be entitled to a family allowance only if he is in receipt of a child allowance.
c) A beneficiary of a retirement or disability pension shall be entitled to an allowance for each dependent child.
d) Notwithstanding the above, family and child allowances shall not be payable under the circumstances defined in Articles II 5.01, II 5.09 and II 6.09 respectively.
Article II 7.02 Amount of Fixed Sum and Allowancesa) The allowances provided for in Section 7 of the Rules of the Fund are calculated in accordance with the bases for calculation of the retirement pension specified in Article II 2.02. In the case of an anticipated retirement pension, they shall be subject to the same reduction factor as the pension as specified in Article II 2.05.
b) The fixed sum and allowances provided for in Annex B of the Rules of the Fund correspond to the applicable maximum period of membership specified in Article II 2.02 of the Rules of the Fund. Where membership has been for less than the applicable maximum period when payment of the pension begins, these amounts are reduced proportionately.